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Repose of Fr Iustinus al-Maqari

(Born on October 15, 1945 AD;
Passed away on March 3, 2022 AD)

A strong monk distinguished by his seriousness, order and spiritual strength. Father Iustinus faithfully served his monastery for forty-seven years. He himself told us that our father Matthew the Poor called him “Justin” from the word “just” because of the discipline, accuracy and commitment he saw in him since the beginning of his monastic life.
This committed nature was reflected in his inner spiritual life. His prayers, personal readings, and meditations on the Gospel were organized around a fixed daily time. In these moments, he did not visit other monks or receive their visits and his phone was switched off… Certainly, these precious times of the day were the source of his strength and the spiritual “charging station” that provided him with all the energy, so that he could then struggle in his working life in the monastery.
Since Father Justin was originally an accountant (he previously worked as an accountant in the Ministry of Finance), so  father Matthew the Poor assigned him to be responsible for the workers’ accounts when he had lived in the monastery for only three years. Then he worked in marketing the monastery’s products and buying what was needed by the community. He used to travel daily to Cairo in summer and winter, and deal with merchants. Then, at the end of the day he returned to the monastery and submitted his report to the spiritual father, before even eating or drinking. Then, we would go to his cell, complete his monastic canon, take his rest and prepare for the work of the next day… Thus he did for many years working tirelessly without complaining.
Father Justin was a completely despoiled person. If he had anything extra that he did not need in his cell, he used to quickly get rid of it, though he might have needed it in the future. He used to say: “Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matt. 6:34).
Perhaps the most prominent virtues of Father Justinus, is that he did not respond or make any comment or condemnation of those in charge. He used to reply to those who critized a lot that “we are little, we do not know all the circumstances…”
In the last period of his life, the Lord wanted to crown him, so He allowed him to suffer severe pains in the body. He communicated with Christ in his sufferings, and finally took off the earthly body to put on the heavenly and “be with Christ, for that is far better” (1Phil. 1:23).

برع لمساندة أنشطة الدير ونشكر أي مساهمة منكم مهما كانت صغيرة.

و يمكنكم التبرع لمشروع إخوة الرب وهو مشروع لمعونة الأيتام والفقراء (مشروع الملاك ميخائيل) أسسه الأب متى المسكين ويعوله دير القديس أنبا مقار.

Donate to support the Monastery’s activities or for the “Archangel Michael Coptic Care” program which helps orphans and needy people in Egypt.
“Archangel Michael Coptic Care” has been registered in the USA to serve and help the poor of Egypt in a significant way. Our Tax ID # is: 43-1957120. Your contribution is all TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You will receive a yearly report of your contribution for your tax record. Please write the check to: Archangel Michael Coptic Care. Mail your check to: P.O. Box # 1574, Centreville, VA 20122, USA or donate with credit card or Paypal.

برع لمساندة أنشطة الدير ونشكر أي مساهمة منكم مهما كانت صغيرة.

و يمكنكم التبرع لمشروع إخوة الرب وهو مشروع لمعونة الأيتام والفقراء (مشروع الملاك ميخائيل) أسسه الأب متى المسكين ويعوله دير القديس أنبا مقار.

Donate to support the Monastery’s activities or for the “Archangel Michael Coptic Care” program which helps orphans and needy people in Egypt.
“Archangel Michael Coptic Care” has been registered in the USA to serve and help the poor of Egypt in a significant way. Our Tax ID # is: 43-1957120. Your contribution is all TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You will receive a yearly report of your contribution for your tax record. Please write the check to: Archangel Michael Coptic Care. Mail your check to: P.O. Box # 1574, Centreville, VA 20122, USA or donate with credit card or Paypal.