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First Letter of Fr. Matthew the Poor to Fr. Pishoi Kamil During His Illness (1977)

On the occasion of the canonization of Father Pishoi Kamil—priest of the Church of Sporting, in Alexandria—by the Holy Synod on June 8, 2022, we are please to present a series of texts of the “Saint of  Sporting,” in particular the contributions of Father Pishoy Kamil to St. Mark’s magazine over many years which are characterized by their spiritual depth.
To begin with, we will publish two letters that Father Matthew the Poor sent to Father Pishoi during the period of his illness. These letters represent important historical documents, in addition to being a witness to the close relationship he had with Father Matthew the Poor.

A Letter from Father Matthew the Poor to Father Bishoi Kamil (1977)
Beloved in the Lord, Hegumen Bishoi Kamil,
The peace and love of our Lord Jesus be with your soul.
Thanksgiving, praise, adoration, and eternal glory to the Lord who has done great things through you. Our souls and hearts remained suspended, restless, and impatient, until the news came from your place to comfort us.
I did not want to write or speak, or even inquire from anyone about you except my Lord Jesus, asking for a practical answer that would reassure me that the divine love responded to my tears and prayers full of love.
Suffering is the passport that allows the transition and the crown of victory over this world. Yet, the token of strength during weakness is a sign of the king’s joy for his personal assistant. Whereas recovering or even healing when doctors despair are signs that foretells that heaven has adopted our physical problems to the account of faith and to glorify witness.
When the witness with the Word becomes rare and the ears and hearts are too weak for accepting the ministry—though these people do not lack health, mind and intelligence—God uses one’s weaknesses, or rather the body’s weaknesses, to bear witness, to confirm the Word of God and to raise the status of a hidden ministry.
The sickness of a faithful servant, when his heart is intoxicated with faith and love, is more eloquent than myriads of strong men. Accepting severe suffering with the smile of divine love is a miracle capable of raising the faith of the most weak faithful among this loyal and devoted people.
Blessed are you for your sufferings and love for your God. And blessed are the people who have loved God in you.
Farewell in the name of the Holy Trinity.
Hegumen Matthew the Poor

برع لمساندة أنشطة الدير ونشكر أي مساهمة منكم مهما كانت صغيرة.

و يمكنكم التبرع لمشروع إخوة الرب وهو مشروع لمعونة الأيتام والفقراء (مشروع الملاك ميخائيل) أسسه الأب متى المسكين ويعوله دير القديس أنبا مقار.

Donate to support the Monastery’s activities or for the “Archangel Michael Coptic Care” program which helps orphans and needy people in Egypt.
“Archangel Michael Coptic Care” has been registered in the USA to serve and help the poor of Egypt in a significant way. Our Tax ID # is: 43-1957120. Your contribution is all TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You will receive a yearly report of your contribution for your tax record. Please write the check to: Archangel Michael Coptic Care. Mail your check to: P.O. Box # 1574, Centreville, VA 20122, USA or donate with credit card or Paypal.

برع لمساندة أنشطة الدير ونشكر أي مساهمة منكم مهما كانت صغيرة.

و يمكنكم التبرع لمشروع إخوة الرب وهو مشروع لمعونة الأيتام والفقراء (مشروع الملاك ميخائيل) أسسه الأب متى المسكين ويعوله دير القديس أنبا مقار.

Donate to support the Monastery’s activities or for the “Archangel Michael Coptic Care” program which helps orphans and needy people in Egypt.
“Archangel Michael Coptic Care” has been registered in the USA to serve and help the poor of Egypt in a significant way. Our Tax ID # is: 43-1957120. Your contribution is all TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You will receive a yearly report of your contribution for your tax record. Please write the check to: Archangel Michael Coptic Care. Mail your check to: P.O. Box # 1574, Centreville, VA 20122, USA or donate with credit card or Paypal.